We are fighting for the future of our democracy. This moment calls for courage, a bold vision for justice, and people power to get us there. That’s why I’m running for re-election to the State House in the 188th District.
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An Agenda for Mass Liberation


American Federation Of Teachers, Local 2026


Philadelphia Federation of Teachers
Penn Justice Democrats

SEIU State Council

SEIU 668

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AFSCME District Council 47
Teamsters 3012

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Bills that fill jails are Harrisburg’s version of bipartisanship. We can do without it
As legislators, it is our job to listen what our constituents want, to understand that their priorities are our priorities. Some 91% of Americans say that the criminal justice system needs to be changed, including large majorities who want expanded alternatives to incarceration, community-based violence prevention workers, and expanded support services for victims.
For this, we have collaborated with partners working to end mass incarceration across our state to devise a five-question litmus test. When any criminal offense bill comes to a vote in committee or on the floor, we will ask ourselves the following:
Does this bill:
- Duplicate existing crimes and penalties?
- Increase prison sentences?
- Reduce resources available for incarcerated people to finish their sentences or be eligible for parole?
- Add conditions to parole or otherwise increase the chances that someone will violate their parole?
- Institute a mandatory minimum sentence or mandatory consecutive sentences?